Transformers is a series of American science fiction action films directed by Michael Bay, and based on the toys created by Hasbro and Tomy. The first film, Transformers, was released in 2007, the second, Revenge of the Fallen in 2009, the third, Dark of the Moon in 2011, and the fourth, Age of Extinction in 2014. The fifth is scheduled for a 2017 release.
Greta is a young American woman who takes a job as a nanny in a remote English village, only to discover that the family’s 8-year-old is a life-sized doll that the parents care for just like a real boy, as a way to cope with the death of their actual son 20 years prior. After violating a list of strict rules, a series of disturbing and inexplicable events bring Greta’s worst nightmare to life, leading her to believe that the doll is actually alive.
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Digital Slr Photography is the UK’s leading magazine for digital SLR photographers of all levels from beginner to enthusiast and professionals. An expert team of photographers provide inspirational images, practical technique advice and authoritative equipment reviews. Expert Advice for Todays Photapher Digital SLR Photography addresses the needs of today’s photographer in a lively, informative and stylish format. Dedicated to digital SLR photographers of all abilities, from beginner through enthusiast to professional it will inform and entertain you through a unique blend of technique articles, inspirational images, news and authoritative reviews.
Prepare your body for anything with a detailed breakdown of the most important moves in fitness for building muscle, improving mobility and burning fat. This book has everything you need: whether you want to compete in the next CrossFit Games or just get in and out of bed more easily, functional training is a simple concept: you do exercises that train the body for movements you do in everyday life, such as running, jumping and lifting your own bodyweight. Whatever your goals and abilities, the workouts in this book will challenge and engage you. And most importantly, enhance your level of fitness.
International Glamour and Entertainment Magazine. IBMS Special Edition Featuring Photography by Gary Miller. Models: Lizzeth Acosta, Katie Gibbs, Kristy Seguin, Shawna Lee, Nicki Austin, Lindsey Lamson, Rachelle Fleming, Kindly Myers, London Lai, Diana Wolf, Heidi Jo, Kelsie Zacharias, Silvia Familia.
Global superstar Yanni s new album, Sensuous Chill, is a lush sonic experience featuring 10 brand new tracks. The album once again sees the visionary musician exploring new realms of sound and creativity inspired by his seeming infinite world travels. Tracks like the ecstatically rhythmic “Desert Soul” and the bhangra-spiced “Dance For Me” are among the most physically stimulating of the Grammy Award®-nominated composer s remarkable canon, offering a new sonic perspective on his adventures and experiences amidst myriad aspects of global culture.
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The RIDE ALONG 2 sequel picks up about a year after our heroes’ last adventure. Plans for a quick trip to Miami go bad. With the wedding upcoming, James reluctantly takes Ben with him to Miami to follow up on a lead connected to a drug-ring case he’s been trying to crack. In Miami, they meet Maya, a no-b.s homicide who lets them know, Miami is her turf. They also encounter AJ a shady, cocky computer hacker who reveals evidence that implicates a well- respected local businessman, the wealthy Antonio Pope, who harbors a vicious streak and rules South Florida’s drug trade. If Ben and James can convince the authorities that Pope is a brutal crime boss they’ll stop his spree. If they fail, well there may not be a wedding after all.
Eight survivors take to the skies in a badly damaged aircraft to escape an antibiotic resistant pandemic which decimates the planet. There’s nowhere safe to land, but things really start to go wrong when they realise that the infection is on the plane. How long can they stay airborne? And more importantly what will be waiting for them if they land?
Frank Martin (Statham) is the best at what he does: transporting dangerous or illegal goods with no questions asked. He lives by his three strict rules – never change the deal, never ask for names and never open the package – until one job changes his outlook on life forever.
People is a fortnightly Australian lad’s mag published by Bauer Media Group. It has been published since 1950. It is not to be confused with the gossip magazine known by that name in the United States; that magazine is published under the name Who in Australia.