A modern transgressive thriller, Pimped follows Sarah Montrose, a woman who isn’t well-equipped to live within society’s accepted lines of behaviour, struggling with her own identity, desires, and loves. When all this is threatened by a monster, Sarah calls on all her strength and cunning to do battle with a psychopath, and her own inner demon.
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PURE tells the story of Noah Funk, a newly-elected Mennonite pastor, who is determined to rid his community of drug traffickers by betraying a fellow Mennonite to the police. But instead of solving the problem, Noah’s actions trigger an ultimatum from mob leader Eli Voss: in order to protect his family, he must get involved in the illegal operation. Noah decides that if he must work for the mob, he will secretly gather enough evidence to dismantle the organization. Noah finds his beliefs and principles challenged every step of the way. Struggling to save his soul and complete his mission, Noah receives help from an unlikely source: his high school nemesis, local cop Bronco Novak. With his law-enforcement career hanging by a thread, Bronco sees the case as his ticket to redemption.
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The Super Bowl LIII Halftime Show, officially known as the Pepsi Super Bowl LIII Halftime Show, took place on February 3, 2019 at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia, as part of Super Bowl LIII. It was headlined by American pop group Maroon 5, joined by rappers Big Boi and Travis Scott as guests.
Naked News is the only fully nude news program of its kind in the world that is real news, breaking news from around the world, sports, entertainment and infotainment programs delivered by a roster of completely naked, attractive and intelligent women. But nude news, nude weather, nude sports and nude entertainment is not all we are about. We have nude amateur auditions, nude celebrity models and our famous Naked in the Street interviews. Nude women reporting all the nude news you need to know to be informed and entertained at the same time. Very simply, Naked News is unique, there is nothing like us anywhere.