Susan Sarandon narrates this all-new visually-stunning and thought-provoking documentary based upon New York Times best-selling author Dan Burstein’s book “Secrets of the Code,” which takes a look at the controversy surrounding the best-selling book and blockbuster film “The Da Vinci Code.” Secrets of the Code is a sweeping exploration of some of the world’s greatest mysteries.

Secrets of the Code is one of the better documentaries obviously basking in the glow of Dan Brown’s mega-success with his novel The Da Vinci Code. Featuring the most ubiquitous experts within the mini-industry of videos examining The Da Vinci Code from a number of angles, Secrets first offers a brisk re-introduction to the major thesis in Brown’s story, i.e., that Jesus Christ had descendants through his wife, Mary Magdalene, and the Holy Grail is not a cup but rather the Jesus-Mary bloodline.