The series of the BBC crime drama following the lives of four women whose loved ones are serving prison sentences. The first series introduces young mother-to-be Gemma (Emma Rigby), stylish wife of a career criminal Francesca (Polly Walker), principled, middle-aged Harriet (Pippa Haywood) and Lou (Natalie Gavin), whose boyfriend is in jail for a crime she committed, as they form friendships and attempt to deal with their circumstances. In the second series two new characters appear – happily married Kim (Sally Carman), whose world is rocked when her husband is remanded after being accused of a hideous crime, and bride-to-be Aisling (Karla Crome), who wants her father to behave in prison so that he’ll get out in time for her wedding. Meanwhile, with her gangster husband Paul (Iain Glen) still inside, Francesca is left feeling vulnerable when her home suffers an arson attack.