BlackMagic Pro – is a tool for coloring black and white, sepia or IR (an infrared) photos, or for color correction / re-coloring of old photographs. Being extremely simple to use, but with modern features, this program provides unprecedented levels of productivity for any photo-restoration works, which require coloring or color-correction. As a result, images are optimally saturated color, the right tone – creating the impression as if the photos were originally taken with color!
Colorizing black & white photos can get quite involving, depending upon the quality and sophistication of the results desired. The process involved can be very tedious and challenging, taking a day [often several] to completely colorize a single black & white photograph to professional grade quality. The typical ‘paint’ computer programs usually require the operator to select individual hue [color], opacity [transparency], etc., for coloring a specific portion of the photo. This is further compounded by the need to ‘guess’ the right hue/ saturation values to color a certain object, which can take several hit-and-trial iterations, with no guarantee of a ‘best’ match.
The whole process may need to be repeated hundreds of times over to finish a single photograph…even then, the results often leave much to be desired, and rarely resemble the ‘real life colors’ that we are used to seeing in color photographs Even with all the professional care and sophistication, it is common to get results depicting improper color matches, over saturated colors, dull/ faded colors, or over-emphasized/ blurred edges.
The BlackMagic Difference
BlackMagic resolves all of the above problems associated with colorizing black & white photos, and more. The system uses state-of-the-art Neural Net algorithms to provide dynamic parameterisation. This means that the user is not required to pick specific color hues or the associated values/ parameters – she/ he works by simply identifying the ‘type of object’ to be colored. BlackMagic then automatically performs the needed calculations to continuously vary all required parameters, based on the content of the photograph/ region being colorized – all done in the background transparent to the user. This process ensures consistent as well as optimal selection of hue, brightness, saturation, opacity, etc. for colorizing any object/ region of the image, without the guess work that would otherwise have been required.
BlackMagic provides several tools, to most expeditiously apply RealLifeColor palettes to a monochromatic image. It is available in several versions, to suit every budget and need.
2 Responses to this entry.
10Q… d-_-b
H Max,
Thanks for uploading… However, if possible, upload Recolored, same features, but more easy to colorise B/W photos.. Thanks