Tell Me Lies, which was published in 2018, tells the story of a young woman’s obsession with a man who’s good at being charming. When Lucy Albright arrives on the campus of her small college, away from her mother whom she’s never forgiven for an act of betrayal in her early teen years, Lucy embraces college life and all it has to offer. But everything changes when she meets Stephen DeMarco, who has a mysterious past of his own. Their addicting entanglement will have consequences they never could have imagined.
Season 2, Episode 01 – “You Got a Reaction, Didn’t You?”
Lucy’s back at Baird College for sophomore year, ready to start fresh and leave past mistakes behind her.
Season 2, Episode 02 – “I Shall Now Perform a 180 Flip-Flop”
Bree’s birthday takes an unexpected turn. Lucy’s excited to focus on someone new.
Season 2, Episode 03 – “I Can See Right Through Myself”
Stephen baits Lucy as she attempts to rid herself of him once and for all. Wrigley and Pippa finally talk.
Season 2, Episode 04 – “Just Stable Children”
As the LSAT looms, Stephen’s anxiety grows. Wrigley and Evan have a guy’s night out.
Season 2, Episode 05 – “Evil, Ornery, Scandalous, and Evil”
Lydia and Stephen’s sister, Sadie, both visit campus for Halloween. Lucy and Pippa learn something unsettling.
Season 2, Episode 06 – “Do Your Dirty Words Come Out To Play?”
When a snowed-in campus forces everyone to Evan’s for Thanksgiving, tensions run high.
Season 2, Episode 07 – “I’m Not Drowning Fast Enough”
Lucy and Bree attend a professor’s Christmas party. Lucy makes a rash decision that affects Pippa.
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