The Pursuit of Love follows the travails of the Radlett family, focusing on Linda, the most beautiful and wayward Radlett daughter, who falls first for a stuffy Tory politician, then an ardent Communist, and finally a French duke named Fabrice, and her cousin Fanny Logan. Consumed by a desire for love and marriage, the two women are on the hunt for the ideal lover. Their friendship will be put to the test as Fanny settles for a steady life and Linda decides to follow her heart, to increasingly wild and outrageous places.
Season 1, Episode 01
Linda dreams of a life of adventure, while Fanny is more concerned with stability after being abandoned by her mother. When a glamorous local aristocrat invites a charming stranger to a ball, Linda is instantly smitten, but Fanny’s disapproval threatens to tear the inseparable friends apart.
Season 1, Episode 02
Although both Linda and Fanny are now married, their lives couldn’t be more different. Fanny embraces motherhood and tries to fulfil her role as a ‘good’ wife to Alfred. Meanwhile, Linda’s marriage to Tony quickly begins to disintegrate as she throws herself into a glamorous lifestyle, partying until dawn.
Season 1, Episode 03
Fanny’s put out to find that Linda has once again fallen head over heels in love, and is openly living as Fabrice de Sauveterre’s mistress.
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Thanks, MaxD and team! 🙂